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Global Ransomware Attack Update

It is concerning to hear about what happened to the NHS and countless computers and users around the world. We…

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2017 Alarm National Conference ‘“ 25-27th June 2017

JCAD is pleased to be sponsoring the Alarm Conference again this year. It is the UK’s leading learning and development…

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LACHS 5 upgrade streamlines claims handling

The software has been re-built from the ground up, providing a state-of-the-art tool for claims handling professionals. JCAD has announced…

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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – what it could mean for the Risk Management professional

Organisations such as Sony, Yahoo and Sports Direct can attest to the reputational damage that results due to data security failures….

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Risk management in the Utilities Sector

JCAD has tremendous experience of providing risk management tools to a number of utilities sector clients including Anglian Water, Shanks,…

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Trump’s Executive Order banning Muslim immigration to the US ‘“ were you prepared?

Trump first spoke of banning all Muslims from entering the US back in December 2015. “Donald J. Trump is calling…

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Improving Claims Handling Efficiency

Claims handling can be a complicated process, using a tool such as JCAD’s LACHS, can aid claims handling efficiency. It…

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Reduce claim volumes through improved risk management

In order to provide effective and efficient claims handling, a company’s risk exposure also needs to be understood. Through good…

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