Posted: March 22nd, 2018 3:03pm +00:00 | By Phil Walden

How to be a great leader

Ensuring a business has a great leader is fundamental to its success. Although not specifically aimed at risk management this article recently posted on LinkedIn, really resonated with a number of the senior management team here at JCAD, so we thought we’d share it.

Within most businesses it’s often argued that your staff are your greatest resource. They are the tangible representations of your business, regardless of whether they are in accounts, sales, service delivery or in any other function. It’s often how you, or your business are judged. Being the sort of leader that they respond to and want to work for is key to the operation of a successful business. Managing the risk of creating an unhappy workforce can reap dividends.

Simon Sinek provides some great examples in a talk he gave about what it takes, and what it means, to be “a great leader”.

Simon Sinek
How to be a great leader


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