Posted: August 15th, 2018 12:12pm +00:00

New Document Register available in JCAD CORE

JCAD’s risk management system, CORE, now has a document register available. This register allows you to create an audit log of all the documents you have, including both paper and electronic files. With the new GDPR regulations, we are witnessing a huge demand for organisations to have a greater understanding of the information they are storing and where. Organisations also need to understand the purpose of retaining the information and have appropriate plans in place for ensuring information past its retention period is withdrawn.

The register allows you to record:

  • the type of information the document holds
  • the access levels for the file/document
  • the retention period for the file/document
  • an assessment of exposure for each file/document including details such as if the document is cloud based, password protected, 2 factor authentication is used or single sign on for example.

The register allows you to easily manage the actions required for maintaining these files ‘“ you can set review dates to ensure they don’t exceed the retention periods, and reminders for updating the sharing and privacy policies too.This register has the same standard reporting functionality as the other registers.If you would like to see the document register in action, please call 01730 712020 or request a demo here.

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