Posted: August 26th, 2016 1:01pm +00:00

Risk management system – CORE

JCAD CORE is much more than a risk register

Across a spread of industries that JCAD supplies, businesses are experiencing fundamental changes to the ways in which they work. Several sectors are affected by budget cuts and dwindling resources and these pressures have forced them to look at how they are run and how they can work more efficiently.

In order to streamline services and reduce costs many organisations are trying to:
‘¢ Achieve more with less
‘¢ Gain more control and visibility of the business as a whole
‘¢ Consolidate business functions

One simple mechanism that assists in the delivery of these objectives is the addition of registers within JCAD CORE. Much like a risk register enables risks to stored, monitored and assessed these additional registers allow for the capture of additional compliance data. This information can then be better managed and reported upon therefore offering the business a complete 360 view of compliance. The added benefit of this is that a single technology, CORE, can be used to support multiple compliance disciplines. Here are just a few additional registers that have been implemented recently:

Document Asset Register

This register is used to ensure that all documentation that needs to be kept up to date, is up to date. Reminders are set up for when certain documentation is due to be reviewed and designated respondents are informed. This additional register will not only allow for your information to be kept in a central location, accessible to those that need it, when they need it, it will also reduce or negate penalties incurred for out of date policies.

Contracts Register

Similarly to the document asset register, the contract register offers a central location to store all contracts that a business uses. Alerts are set up for when a contract is up for renewal allowing the relevant business area to renegotiate better terms or indeed cancel a contract if it is no longer required. Also, as the contracts register is visible to the entire business, it allows greater collaboration and thus improved buying power. It also aids the elimination of duplication of services and contracts too.

Opportunity Register

The Opportunity Management register allows an organisation to think about the positive outcomes that could be achieved and helps document the plans for achieving these opportunities. Again, having this in a centralised location, accessible across the business allows for people to be working together to achieve a certain goal.

Compliance register

Regulatory compliance can be a burden on many organisations. Through the use of JCAD CORE various compliance registers can be setup enabling a business to view and monitor various risks related to compliance, as well as store documentation and capture associated tasks. This not only ensures that such activities are taking place it also enables proof of compliance when audited. This has the added benefit of reducing sanctions and financial penalties.

Audit register

Audit management is becoming increasingly difficult ‘“ the numbers of regulations are increasing and existing rules seem to be constantly changing. With JCAD Audit Tracking, you can assign owners to each recommendation/improvement and their associated actions. This register provides businesses with a fully track able system for managing both internal and external audit programmes and it makes it easy to capture relevant data, create checklists, plans and recommendations and generate reports for review and analysis.

JCAD has many customers who are gaining huge operational benefits and cost savings by using our one tool to manage many different business areas more efficiently. These registers can all link to one another and also back to corporate objectives ensuring a cohesive approach. If you have a requirement for any additional registers or if you would like to know more about the solutions we offer, then please do get in touch by emailing or calling 01730 712020.


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