Posted: January 29th, 2019 2:02pm +00:00

Risk management tops agenda for housing associations

In the last 12 months, JCAD has experienced a significant increase in interest regarding our risk management software from housing associations. In fact, the number of housing associations using our risk management tool, CORE, has increased by 90% in this period. The tragic Grenfell Tower incident has acted as a catalyst in the rise of importance of risk management in the housing sector. The Regulator’s risk sector profile 2018, shows that unsurprisingly, health and safety is an increasing risk. It is at the top of the list of strategic risks also..

Grenfell Tower disaster catalyst to improved risk management

As a result of the Grenfell Tower disaster, health and safety is of particular focus for housing associations’ board members and executives. Compliance regulations have tightened, and the Decent Homes Standard is now to be reviewed also. Housing associations are acting on outcomes from the Grenfell investigations. Ensuring that their responsibilities to provide a safe working environment for employees and safe and affordable homes for their tenants are adhered to.

Regulatory compliance requirements

Housing associations are reviewing their homes for fire risk as a priority and where appropriate additional investments and preventative measures of fire risk are being introduced.  As well as fire safety, it is important that the boards have appropriate plans for all health and safety issues; including gas safety, electrical safety, legionella and asbestos.

Risk management software

JCAD’s risk management software, CORE, is an online tool that can make risk management more efficient and effective for housing associations. The system helps to embed a risk management culture within the organisation as it is accessible to everyone within the organisation with only admin users able to edit the risks.

Efficient risk management

Using a centralised risk management solution is more efficient than using spreadsheets. Spreadsheets can be difficult to maintain, access, review, update and audit.

With risk management software, there is just one place to review and update risks. Reports can be produced accurately and quickly without needing to be an excel guru or gathering information from multiple sources. JCAD CORE is an online tool which means that it is accessible anywhere, at any time and on any device. Housing providers need to demonstrate compliance to the regulators so having a centralised system with an audit log of activity is invaluable.

Incident management

Incident management within risk management has also grown in importance. There are many lessons to be learned from previous incidents.  Ensuring that these incidents and subsequent measures have been recorded will provide ‘real’ examples for your risk management and will aid its accuracy. Incident management will influence your risk register and the controls required too.

Automation aids risk management efficiency

Automation can aid the accuracy of your risk management while ensuring you are working efficiently. JCAD CORE has the functionality to set reminders for individuals to review risks. It produces a task list of assigned actions for individuals. Overdue tasks can easily be spotted as they are highlighted in red. This functionality allows for risk management to be managed more efficiently and encourages adoption of risk management practices.

Avoid downgrading

Using risk management software will help with the overall efficiency of risk management and help an organisation demonstrate its compliance to the regulators to avoid being downgraded.


JCAD CORE is an affordable tool that will provide you with the ability to ensure effective risk management within your organisation. The pricing model for JCAD CORE is based upon a license fee per individual that requires edit access to the system. We offer free unlimited view only access. JCAD CORE is used in small to large organisations across both the public and commercial sectors.

‘JCAD CORE provides a one stop shop, single source of truth for all risk, incident and assurance related data, an audit trail of your actions and allows for follow up activities to be assigned and overdue tasks to be easily reviewed. Most importantly, the software provides a real time view of all risks and incidents and of the mitigating actions/three lines of defence in place to address the issues raised.’ John Allsop, Head of Audit, Risk & Assurance, First Ark Group.

Learn how using JCAD CORE can help embed risk management across your organisation, aid compliance, improve efficiency and save you money.

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