Posted: December 14th, 2016 3:03pm +00:00

Risk management within aviation

JCAD’s risk management software for aviation industry

The aviation industry is subjected to many high risk hazards including terrorism, extreme weather conditions, crime and public disorder and so using risk management software for aviation sector could be of benefit. These risks will affect the operation of an airport and are usually well identified with plans in place if these eventualities were to occur. However, simply focussing on reducing hazards and reducing operational risk is no longer sufficient for the aviation industry.

The industry is undergoing significant changes including:

  • increased competition
  • unstable financial pressures (due to economic climate, fuel price increases and wage pressures for example)
  • advancements in technological availability

With these changes comes uncertainty and risk. It is important for enterprise wide risks to be identified, monitored and controlled so that they do not have an adverse effect on the business whilst also allowing an organisation to take advantage of opportunities as they arise.

Leeds Bradford Airport

Leeds Bradford Airport has recently contracted JCAD to provide it’s risk management software, CORE, in order to improve it’s risk management practices.

Amy Gascoigne from Leeds Bradford Airport states:

“Given the increasing importance of risk and safety management within the Airport, it was imperative that we had a robust system to create a risk register capable of aiding our risk management and reporting processes, fulfilling both the expectations of the company and the requirements by the CAA. The CORE system is easily configurable to our requirements, user friendly and capable of producing a variety of reports that help us to form our risk profile. The JCAD team are easily contactable for help and are genuinely interested in creating the right software package for their clients.”

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