Posted: February 6th, 2017 2:02pm +00:00

Trump’s Executive Order banning Muslim immigration to the US ‘“ were you prepared?

Trump first spoke of banning all Muslims from entering the US back in December 2015. “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,” a campaign press release said. Trump’s campaign added in the release that such a ban should remain in effect “until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.’

Trump made his intentions very clear in his campaign in 2015 and yet when he actioned an executive order banning citizens from seven Muslim countries, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria or Yemen to enter (or in some cases re-enter),  the World seemed shocked and unprepared for dealing with the ramifications.

Do you have a risk management plan in place?

For now, at least, the ban has been lifted; will it be reinstated? Do you have a plan for reducing the effect on your organisation if such a ban on immigration travel is actioned? Have you highlighted the risk of Muslims being unable to enter the US in your risk register with controls in place to reduce the negative impact on your business should it occur again?

Some industries will be affected more than others and the banning order caused significant chaos and distress to the Colleges and Universities in the US. Students were unsure if they can remain in the US and if they would have been able to leave for holidays and still return. Lecturers and researchers were also unsure of their future in the US. The impact for higher education in the US could be devastating.

The future prospective students and lecturers from around the World will continue to question their choice to study or teach in the US as the uncertainty will leave them scared. They may well lose lecturers, researchers and other administrative staff. The diverse culture and talent could be diminished as well as the profits from foreign students making the US their home while they study. The Migration Policy Institute states that foreign students contributed $30.5 billion to the US economy.

Risk management in practice

West Virginia University had identified those of its students that were affected in the wake of the banning order and had been proactively providing them advice. They also reassured them that accommodation will remain open during the holidays if required so that they did not need to worry about leaving the country and struggling to get back in. Read the article in full

Risk Management Software

Risks that may cause negative impact to your business and the threaten the fulfilment of your company’s objectives should be planned for. As in the example above, West Virginia University had a plan of action in order to deal with the fall out of the banning order that will limit the negative effect on the organisation.

JCAD offers a risk management tool that would aid the planning for such risks and eventualities and consider the necessary controls that would be required for eliminating or at least reducing the negative effects of such risks occurring. We have numerous higher education institutions already benefitting from our risk management software including; University of Illinois and Loyola Marymount University.

Using JCAD CORE will help you:

  • Highlight risks affecting your organisation
  • Ensure your resources are aligned appropriately
  • Link risks to corporate objectives
  • Embed risk management throughout your organisation
  • Adhere to regulatory and compliance requirements
  • Fulfil board level reporting at the push of a button

To request a demo please email:

Call: +(0)1730 712020


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