Posted: December 14th, 2018 11:11am +00:00

Personal and Work New Year’s Resolutions

Personal New Year’s Resolutions

The end of a year brings a time to reflect on the year passed and all that has been achieved. It is also a time to make new goals and continue to work towards objectives that weren’t quite achieved in the previous year, these for some will take the form of New Year’s Resolutions.

New Year’s Resolutions are normally made by individuals with a view to improve an area of their personal lives. Often, they are health related ‘“ perhaps vowing to join the gym, quit smoking or lose 10lbs. Resolutions don’t need to be gruelling. In fact, you can pledge to do more of what you enjoy, spend more time with your loved ones or simply be more organised. I always plan to get an annual calendar and use it! Remembering birthdays and anniversaries, school plays and dentist appointments is always a struggle.

This year, I am not only looking at personal goals but work goals too. What will 2019 look like for me in my role? How can I be more efficient and productive? Having started to think these elements through, I am using the last few weeks in December to kick start my January and start as I mean to go on. With plans already in place, 2019 can start productively. Success is in the planning after all.

My work goals for 2019 ‘“

  • Improve efficiency
  • Tighten business processes
  • Increase productivity
  • Be accountable

Work New Year’s Resolutions

If you are working within a claims or risk department and your own work New Year’s resolutions include:

  • Improve the efficiency of your department
  • Save money on your insurance premiums
  • Reduce claim volumes
  • Embedding risk management within the organisation

then get in touch with JCAD and book a demo of our state-of-the-art claims management system LACHS or our risk management software, CORE today.

We look forward to assisting you achieve your goals in 2019 and beyond.

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