Posted: August 11th, 2022 3:03pm +00:00

Positive referral for JCAD Claims software



During a recent procurement exercise the prospect reached out to a couple of our clients to seek additional assurance. Three clients responded but one was also kind enough to copy us in.

I’d like to thank Dave Watson from Dorset County Council for this glowing recommendation which I have shared below. We take our client support very seriously so it is great to see that even after 10 years Dave is still happy with our products and our support services.

Implementation – Did it go smoothly? Are there any tips you have to make the process easier?

Prior to changing to JCAD’s claims handling system, LACHS, the Council operated an Oracle system designed in house which was basic and backed up with paper files. We looked at several products and the result of our procurement exercise was that the features and functionality of JCAD made it the obvious choice.

The implementation process was very smooth and although it was over 10 years ago now I recall that we used the opportunity to clean our records prior to migration. The process with JCAD was trouble free. We ran several tests over a period of time to ensure the accounting side was correct and this proved successful.

NB: To make it easier, ensure that the data you provide is as accurate as possible

Functionality – Does their system do everything you wanted in terms of claim management, reporting, analysis etc.

The system provides us with everything we need. The insurance team log on in the morning and remain logged in all day, everything pertinent to a claim is kept on the system. We dispensed with paper files in 2011 and currently have approximately 11,400 complete files on the system which it copes with well.

Reporting provided by JCAD is good and if requested they are able to produce custom reports to suit our needs. That said, we find that using the utility find function along with customisable grids meet all of our requirements. Storage of documents and use of the email and correspondence functions are easy to manage.

We use the JCAD supplied premium recharge facility which makes apportionment easy as well as the bundling facility.

2 years ago, we decided to take advantage of the JCAD cloud service eliminating the need for our own IT to be involved. Not only did this make the system exponentially faster and hitch free but also allowed us to set up a public portal for the submission of claim. We now no longer rely upon the postal service for claim forms nor do we have to double handle the data which could often be transcribed incorrectly

Management wise I am able to track the workload of my team on an individual basis which has proved useful.

Negatives – Is there any aspect of the product that doesn’t meet your requirements, things it could do better?

Honestly I don’t think there are, JCAD support works well resolving any issues swiftly, that said I only contact them once or twice a year and that is usually because a claimant has done something wrong in entering data.  

In Summary

All in all LACHS is a great product which provides a clean, joined up service with no need to pop out to Word or excel and having to cut & paste. Importing and exporting is simple and we are also able to store video footage on file, something we couldn’t do before. The recent move to hybrid working prompted the need to change to jCLOUD hosting and this has again improved the connectivity and performance of an already good product.

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