Emergency Services

Many blue light organisations utilise JCAD’s claims handling and risk management software.

Public sector organisations such as police, fire and ambulance have a continuing requirement to reduce costs and yet maintain a remarkable level of public service. With changes to laws and greater oversight these organisations have much to deal with in order to demonstrate good practice across all that they do. Learn how our software solutions can not only help you improve efficiency but also save you money too.

Over 20% of the UK’s police authorities use JCAD’s claims handling software, LACHS

LACHS Benefits:

  • Improve efficiency 
  • Reduce claim volumes
  • Reduce insurance premiums
  • Provides a better service to stakeholders

LACHS allows for claims management to be completed in-house. The system is very intuitive and easy to use. The ability to track claim types and volumes allows for greater insight into risk management measures required and can lead to reduced claim volumes and ultimately reduced insurance premiums. It also has fraud detecting capacity too. Detailed accurate reporting will also allow for the correct level of excesses and insurance required, again assisting in saving costs.

The Emergency Services by their very nature are exposed to many risks.

Using JCAD’s online risk management software, CORE, helps risks to be identified, monitored and mitigated. The online system is available to be viewed by the entire organisation which encourages risk management to become the responsibility of everyone and not siloed in a risk team. Having a greater understanding of the risks and required controls will also demonstrate good management practice when assessed and audited.

If you wish for your organisation to be resilient and take advantage of opportunities, then get in touch to see how JCAD CORE can help.


Read how Essex Fire is using JCAD CORE to assist with its goal of ensuring Essex is a safe place to live, work and travel: https://jcad.co.uk/resource-centre/news/risk-management/essex-county-fire-rescue-service-uses-jcad-core-for-its-risk-management/